Plasma cleaning machine glow discharge principle
Author: Shenzhen three and wave of Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., LtdIssuing Time:2017-08-03 08:59:39Pageviews:4461【smallmediumbig】
Plasma cleaning / etching machine to produce plasma device is set in the sealed container two electrodes to form an electric field, with a vacuum pump to achieve a certain degree of vacuum, with the gas more and more thin, molecular spacing and molecular or ion free movement distance Are increasingly long and subjected...
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cleaning / etching machine to produce plasma device is set in the
sealed container two electrodes to form an electric field, with a vacuum
pump to achieve a certain degree of vacuum, with the gas more and more
thin, molecular spacing and molecular or ion free movement distance Are
increasingly long and subjected to electric fields that collide with
each other to form plasmas that are highly active and have enough energy
to destroy almost all chemical bonds that cause chemical reactions on
any exposed surface, and that different gases have different Chemical
properties, such as oxygen plasma has a high degree of oxidation, can
oxidize the photoresist reaction to generate gas, so as to achieve the
effect of cleaning; corrosive gas plasma has a good anisotropy, so that
can meet the etching The need. The use of plasma treatment will be issued glow, so called glow discharge treatment.
discharge, the discharge of the two poles under the action of the
electric field, electrons and positive ions were to the anode, the
cathode movement, and accumulation in the vicinity of the two poles to
form a space charge area. Since
the drift velocity of the positive ions is much smaller than that of
electrons, the charge density of the positive ion space charge region is
much larger than that of the electron space charge region, so that the
voltage between the entire electrode is almost entirely concentrated in
the narrow region near the cathode. This
is a significant feature of glow discharge, and in normal glow
discharge, the voltage between the two poles does not vary with current.
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